BIRAC-Call For Proposal

Special Call for Collaborative Innovation Proposals on Affordable Health Care Technologies under BIPP - 10th Batch

Continued Innovation creates affordable healthcare technologies or products which do not exist in Indian markets. This includes products which either needs modifications through re-engineering; or product which exists, but affordable and cost effective versions are required; and/or those products which exist, but their usage is limited due to lack of optimal transport and storage conditions etc. Availability of affordable healthcare, thereby, is a challenge to the Indian Health Care Providers.

To mitigate this challenge, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites proposals under Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP), a Government partnership with industry for support on a cost sharing basis, exclusively in the field of Innovative and Affordable Health Technologies for Women, Child Care and Other Age Groups, which may include one or more of the following innovative element(s), but not limited to:
1.     Neonatal  Implants
2.     Ventilators
3.     Exo-surfactants
4.     Steroids
5.     Laryngeal mask airway tube
6.     Elemental Fortification
7.     Improved Clean Delivery Kits
8.     Control of Postpartum haemorrhage
9.     Control and containment of Infections of the umbilical cord
10.  Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS
11.  Value additions in Immunization Process
12.  Preventive Technologies
    a.     Respiratory Syncytial  Virus Vaccines
    b.     Pneumococcal protein & polysaccharide conjugate Vaccine
    c.      Papilloma Virus Vaccines
13.  Cheaper Renal Dialysis technologies
    a.     Glucose Monitoring for diabetics
    b.     Affordable bone density assessing technology
    c.      Pre-screening test for blood bank safety
    d.     Pre-natal diagnostic technology
    e.     Diagnostic test for the early detection of cardiovascular diseases
    f.       Point-of-care tests and reagents for cancer screening
    g.      Appropriate, low-cost diagnostic imaging devices for low-resources settings
    h.     Diagnostics that make a dent on patient treatment and disease surveillance
14.  Information and Communication technologies which have transformative effect on health care access and responsiveness of healthcare system.
15.  Technologies to produce affordable versions of existing Imported models having therapeutic value.

Validation of Technologies Transferred /acquired from other countries by Indian companies for product development in India can also be supported keeping in view the unmet national needs and/or affordability of the product by Indian customers.

  • Supports
       - Large, medium, small scale industry, start ups on cost sharing basis
       - High risk, discoverylinked innovation
       - Accelerated technology development
       - Evaluation and validation of biotech products
       - Indigenous discovery, innovation and technology to products
       - Products of national relevance or public benefit

  • Varying models of grants, loans or grant + loan available.
  • A single or consortia of Indian “for profit” company (ies) - Small, Medium or Large having DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit(s).  An Indian Company is defined as one which is registered under “The Indian Companies Act, 1956” and in which 51% (or more) of the ownership is held by Indian citizens (including NRIs).

    The proposals can be submitted:

    •        by an Indian Company alone; or

    •        by an Indian Company along public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory (ies), university (ies) etc.; or

    •        by a consortium of Indian Companies; or

    •        by a consortium of Indian Companies along with public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory (ies), university (ies) etc.

    (*Companies in the process of obtaining DSIR recognition may also apply along with the proof of application to DSIR. However, the final decision on such applications would be subject to their getting DSIR recognition)

    Proposals are required to be submitted online only. To submit a proposal online, please follow the following steps:

    1. Log on the BIRAP website (
    2. If you are a registered user, log-on using the credentials, else you need to register your company with by clicking on New User Registration.
    3. In case of new user registration, a computer generated password would be sent to the email-id provided at the time of registration. The password can be changed later.
    4. Once you login, you would be navigated to the page displaying BIPP link.
    5. Click on the BIPP link under Programmes and the active call would be highlighted.
    6. Click on the new call and proceed towards proposal submission.
    Further details on How to submit a proposal would be available in the BIPP User Guide available on the website.
    The proposals should be submitted on or before 22nd December, 2010 (midnight).

    Company User Registration is open round the clock.

    Online Proposal Submission would begin from 21st November, 2010. No Hard Copy to be submitted, Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

    Last date for Submission of Proposals: 22nd December, 2010

    For further details, please contact:

    Dr. Renu Swarup,
    Advisor Incharge-BIPP, Department of Biotechnology,
    Block No: 2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, India;

    **For Any queries related to  Online submission of proposals under BIPP, please write to

    Detailed guidelines for the scheme including eligible project categories to be supported are available at ;

    Announcement Date: 21-11-2010
    Last Submission Date: 22-12-2010 12:00 AM

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