There is a great scope of technology innovation in the Indian Agri-biotech sector and it is important to identify, create and promote an enabling environment for development and commercialization of agribiotech products. To promote an effective academia-industry interface, DBT invites proposals under Biotechnology Industry Partnership Program (BIPP) for development of products and processes to address the national needs of Agri-Biotech sector and Secondary Agriculture. The emphasis of support would be to nurture the start ups/SMEs and enable their interaction with Public Sector Institutes so that the research lead(s) developed can be translated to product development.
Proposals may comprise one or more special elements in the areas of focus as given below but not limited to:
I. Priority Areas for Agriculture
1. Strengthening pre-breeding programmes
2. Heterosis breeding for major crops
3. Use of molecular markers to tag genes of interest.
4. Accelerated breeding in crops through Marker Assisted Selection.
5. Incorporation of resistance against biotic (preferably insect, pest and disease) and abiotic (preferably drought and salinity) in crop plants.
6. Biofortification of Crops.
7. Use of RNAi based gene silencing and cytoplasmic male sterility techniques to raise transgenic crops.
Priority crops/target traits:Crops
Ø Orphan crops like millets, legumes and tuber crops cultivated in dry farming and fragile environment.
Ø Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pigeon pea, chickpea, moong bean, groundnut, mustard, and other Horticulture and vegetable crops etc.Traits
Ø Biotic Stress (preferably insect, pest and disease) and Abiotic Stress (preferably drought and salinity)
Ø Yield increase, enhanced quality and shelf life, engineering male sterility and development of apomixes.
II. Secondary Agriculture
Value added products from agriculture produce for both food and non-food applications under the following categories:
Milling byproducts, fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy products, sugarcane byproducts, vegetable oils and byproducts, aromatic & medicinal plants, spices and condiments, animal byproducts, marine products, animal waste, agriculture biomass, agriculture and forestry waste etc
Proposals could be submitted for the following:
(i) R&D (Category I & II)
(ii) Validation and scale-up (Category IIIB)
(iii) Facility for validation and scale up of Innovative/Indigenous process and product development (Category IV)
Ø BIPP supports:
Proposals are required to be submitted online only. To submit a proposal online, please follow the following steps:
Further details on How to submit a proposal would be available in the BIPP User Guide available on the website. The proposals should be submitted on or before 26th December, 2011 (midnight). Company User Registration is open round the clock. Online Proposal Submission opens on 25th November, 2011. No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted online only would be considered. Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) is the BIPP Management Agency (BMA) and will ensure maintenance of strict confidentiality of the proposals as per DBT norms. For further details, please contact: Dr. Renu Swarup, Advisor Incharge-BIPP Department of Biotechnology Block No: 2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, India E-mail:; Details of the scheme including eligible categories for proposal submission; models to be supported for infrastructure projects; mechanism of evaluation; guidelines for percentage support as grant and loan; agreement templates; projects being supported etc. are available at | |
Announcement Date: 25-11-2011
Last Submission Date: 26-12-2011 12:00 AM