BIRAC-Call For Proposal

BIRAP Announces Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRS) - First Call for Proposals

BIRAP announces Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRS) in the Biotech Sector which would facilitate the academia-industry interaction to take forward the research leads of Academic Universities and Research Institutes through validation and translation by industry.  This scheme would encourage the lab scale technology of the academia to reach the commercial scale along with the industry under a specific contract and fee structure.

Numerous lab scale research leads have been/are being generated in the academic sector through funding from various agencies like DBT, CSIR, DST, DRDO etc., which have the potential for validation and translation into products. Currently the academia is capable of limited translational research, however, product development is generally not a part of their mandate. Moreover, they may not have the required infrastructure to take on product development and commercialization activity.  It is, therefore, important to take the industry on board to validate such research leads for pilot studies through Contract Research Agreements.

In many cases the Academic researchers require some specific services from the industry which could also be supported under this scheme.

For all purposes, the term academia refers to the eligible applicants from academic sector (private and public universities or institutes).

The contract research and service opportunity for validating academic technologies would have the following principles

2.1  Contract Research

Applicants will provide the Proof-of-Concept (POC)/leads to the industry which in turn would validate it functionally.
2.2  Contract Service

The requirements of the Academic groups for some specific services from the industry such as toxicology, sequencing, use of specific equipment etc. could also be support under this scheme.

2.3  Contract Research and Service

The Contract Research and Service would be undertaken after executing necessary Agreements for Non-Disclosure, Material Transfer, etc. as required. 

Public and/or Private Universities and Research Institutions can apply under the Contract Research and Services Scheme with pre-determined company partner(s) having DSIR recognized R&D/Service unit(s).

For Contract Research, available leads should be at a level which provides sufficient data for Scale up/Validation and may fall under the following categories but not limited to:
a. Exploratory validation of technology
b. Small scale contract research resulting in generating several batches of process or multiple prototypes
c. Large scale validation of prototype to commercial design.

For Contract Services there should be a clear justification for services to be outsourced.

Proposals are required to be submitted online only. To submit a proposal online, please follow the following steps:

  1. Log on the BIRAP website (
  2. If you are a registered user, log-on using the credentials, else you need to register your institution with by clicking on New User Registration.
  3. In case of new user registration, a computer generated password would be sent to the email-id provided at the time of registration. The password can be changed later.
  4. Once you login, you would be navigated to the page displaying CRS Scheme link.
  5. Click on the CRS Scheme link under Programmes and the active call would be highlighted.
  6. Click on the new call and proceed towards proposal submission.

Further details on How to submit a proposal would be available in the CRS User Guide available on the website.
The proposals should be submitted on or before 29th February, 2012 (midnight).

Institution User Registration is open round the clock.
Online Proposal Submission opens on 16th January, 2012.
No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

For further details, please contact:

Dr. Renu Swarup, Advisor Incharge-BIPP

Department of Biotechnology

Block No: 2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex

Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, India


Announcement Date: 16-01-2012
Last Submission Date: 29-02-2012 12:00 AM

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