BIRAC-Call For Proposal

SBIRI Call for Proposals for financial support - 22nd Batch

Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) is a flagship Public-Private Partnership Programme of DBT and supports research initiatives of Indian Biotech Industry. DBT is operating this scheme through BIRAC, a Not-for-Profit Company set up by Department of Biotechnology to promote and nurture innovation research in Biotech Enterprises.


Ø  Supports start-up units, small and medium enterprises and other private biotech industry

Ø  Offers Phase I funding for establishing proof-of-concept of innovations based on valid hypothesis, R&D aimed at product development, development of lab-scale technology, refinement & validation of a technology at small scale, building of platform technologies/prototypes etc. The support is extended as grants-in-aid (up to 80% of total project cost) and interest free loans.

Ø  Offers Phase II funding in the form of soft loan for process/ product development, scale-up of technology, validation & field trials etc.

Ø  Can be submitted solely by a private entity (a company/proprietorship/partnership firm/SSI etc) or jointly with other private or public partner (Universities or National Institutes).

Ø  Atleast 51% of the shares of the company should be held by Indian Citizens.

Ø  Joint ventures and limited partnerships would be eligible when the entity meets the requirements of 51% shareholding

Ø  Industry should have DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit or have IP ownership, developed or acquired, and that will be used for the proposed project.


*(The companies who are in the process of obtaining DSIR recognition or intend to do so can also apply. However final decisions on their applications will be subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria.)

Proposals are required to be submitted online only. To submit a proposal online, please log on to the BIRAC website (


No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

Last date for Submission of Proposals : 30th June 2013

Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) is the SBIRI Management Agency (SMA)

and will ensure maintenance of strict confidentiality of the proposals as per BIRAC norms.

Details of the scheme including eligibility requirements of the applicant company, collaborating organizations, categories for proposal submission; guidelines for percentage support as grant and loan; agreement templates; projects being supported etc.

are available at


For further details contact:

Dr. Kalaivani Ganesan,

Programme Officer – SBIRI, BIRAC

Scientist 'C', Department of Biotechnology,



Announcement Date: 15-05-2013
Last Submission Date: 30-06-2013 12:00 AM

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