BIRAC-Call For Proposal

Special Call for Proposals on Priority Agriculture and Secondary Agriculture Areas-24th Batch

BIPP is a special initiative of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, to support Biotech Industry for development of novel and high risk futuristic technologies for affordable product development in key areas of national importance and public good. DBT is operating this scheme through BIRAC, to promote and nurture innovation research in Biotech Enterprises specially Start-ups and SMEs. It also encourages Start-ups / SME interaction with public sector institutes to enable translation of research leads to product development. Through this call proposals are invited for addressing the national needs of Agri biotech sector, Secondary Agriculture, Food Industry and Bio-processing Sectors.

Proposals may comprise one or more special elements in the area of focus as given below but not limited to:

1.      Agriculture Priority I: Evolvable Technologies which are a pre-requisite to product delivery

a.       Strengthening of pre-breeding programmes

b.      Use of molecular markers and  accelerated breeding in crops through marker assisted selection to tag genes of interest possibly single major genes  which significantly contribute towards  overcoming a stress response

c.       Use of RNAi-based gene silencing and cytoplasmic male sterility techniques with a view to raising transgenic crops.

2.  Agriculture Priority II:

Commodification of processes and products (Generation of varieties and hybrids which address the needs of the farming community)

a.       Heterosis breeding

b.      Incorporation of marker free resistance against biotic (preferably insect, pest and disease) and abiotic (preferably drought ,salinity, heat and submergence) in crop plants.

c.       Raising nutritionally important crops and their Bio fortification.

d.      Development of appropriate diagnostic and detection kits


Priority crops/target traits.



  • Orphan crops like millets, legumes and tuber crops cultivated in dry farming and fragile environment. 
  • Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pulses, oilseeds, and other Horticulture and vegetable crops etc.



  • Biotic Stress (preferably insect, pest and disease) and Abiotic Stress (preferably drought, salinity, heat and submergence)
  • Yield increase, enhanced quality and shelf life, engineering male sterility and development of apomixes.

Secondary Agriculture


1.      Alternative very high yield crops (more than 100 tons dry/hectare) and technologies for innovative and new renewable fuels, chemicals, enzymes etc.

2.      Environmental management of  bio-processing wastes

3.      Nano science and nano technology  in Bio-processing sector

4.      Biological processing (separation and conversion) of biomass into value added food (animal feed, sweeteners, bakery and confectionary, canned foods, flavour) and non-food (detergents, adhesives, polymers, speciality chemicals, textiles) products

a.  Products from agricultural residue under the following categories:

      i.      Food crops such as Wheat/rice/maize/millet/sorghum cotton/soya/horticulture based

     ii.      Biomass from plantation crops (sugarcane, cocoa and bean waste, coconut, rubber, spices and condiments)

     iii.      Products from distribution and processing waste such as fruits and vegetables (Leafy vegetables, apple pommace, mango, pomegranate, Citrus peels)

     iv.      By-products from edible and non-edible oils and their processing.

      b.      Valuable compounds from marine products harvesting and processing

5.      Valorisation (separation and conversion) of agricultural and agro-industrial waste or by-products into biodegradable packaging, higher value secondary products (such as dietary fiber, phenolic acids), intermediates, food colours/dyes or nutraceutical products

6.      Production (separation and conversion) of value added products from animal products processing and by products including dairy products, meat, poultry and fish products

7.      Value addition to medicinal and aromatic plants through processing and new product development


A single or consortia of Indian company (ies) - Small, Medium or Large having DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit(s).


An Indian Company is defined as one which is registered under “The Indian Companies Act
1956” and in which 51% (or more) of the ownership is held by Indian citizens (including NRIs).

The proposals can be submitted:
•      by an Indian Company alone; or
•      by an Indian Company along with public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory(ies), university(ies) etc.; or
•      by a consortium of Indian Companies; or
•      by a consortium of Indian Companies along with public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory(ies), university(ies) etc.

(*Companies in the process of obtaining DSIR recognition may also apply along with the proof of application to DSIR. However, the final decision on such applications would be subject to their getting DSIR recognition)

Proposals are required to be submitted online only.
To submit a proposal online, please log on to the BIRAC website.


Company User Registration is open round the clock.
Online Proposal Submission opens on 15th August, 2012.
No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

Last date for Submission of Proposals: 15th September, 2012.

Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) is the BIPP Management Agency (BMA)
and will ensure maintenance of strict confidentiality of the proposals as per DBT norms.

For further details, please contact:

Dr. Suraksha S. Diwan, Program Officer – BIPP,

Scientist C, Department of Biotechnology


Details of the scheme including eligible categories for proposal submission; models to be supported for infrastructure projects; mechanism of evaluation; guidelines for percentage support as grant and loan; agreement templates; projects being supported etc.
are available at

Announcement Date: 15-08-2012
Last Submission Date: 15-09-2012 12:00 AM

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