BIRAC-Call For Proposal

BIRAC Announces 6th Call for Proposals under Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRSS)

Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Set up by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India


6th Call for proposals


Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRSS)

to facilitate Academia-Industry Collaboration

(1stAugust  to 14th  September, 2014)

Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a Section 25 ‘Not-for-Profit Company’ of Government of India, has been set up as Department of Biotechnology’s interface agency,  to develop lab scale technologies into products through public-private partnership.

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·         Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRSS) provides support to Academia in the form of grant-in-aid for taking proof of concept (PoC) of their leads /technologies towards commercial scale with industry under a specific contract and fee structure.

·         Exploratory research or fundamental discovery with no PoC will not be supported.

·    The requirements of the Academic groups for some specific services from the industry such as toxicology studies, gene sequencing towards translational work, studies using specific industrial equipment etc. as a part of commercial scale development could also be supported under this scheme.

Modalities of Funding

 The academic partner will be provided Grant-in-aid for further translational work required at their site (if any) and for the contract research/service component(s) to be outsourced to the collaborating company (ies).

Academia has to be the primary applicant with one or more partners of which at least one of them has to be a company

 Primary applicant (academia)

 Public/ Private Universities and Research Institutions having a well-established research support system for basic or applied research  are eligible.

 Primary applicant may consider the following as partner(s)

 a.    Academia that are meeting the criterion mentioned above for the Primary applicant.

b.    Indian Company(ies), registered under the Indian Companies Act 1956  with atleast 51%  Indian shareholding and having DSIR* recognised in-house R&D unit.(*Companies in the process of obtaining DSIR recognition may also  be considered)


For further details, please contact:

Dr. Amita Joshi, Manager-Techinical

Proposals under CRS are required to be submitted online only. For submission of proposals, Institutions need to register with BIRAC through “Institution User Registration”. Detailed guidelines on how to submit the Proposal will be available online at

User Registration is open round the clock.

Online Proposal Submission would begin from 1stAugust  2014

No hard copy to be submitted, Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

Last date for Submission of Proposals under  the CRS Scheme: 14th September 2014

Announcement Date: 01-08-2014
Last Submission Date: 14-09-2014 12:00 AM

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