BIRAC-Call For Proposal

BIRAC Announces Call for Proposals Under Waste to Energy - Innovation Clean Technologies- Scale Up

The need for developing and scaling up technologies for treatment of Waste (solid, liquid,gas) to biogas/energy/electricity/valuables is the need of the country today.

The current call aims to support technologies for scale up and demonstration (in actual environment) for conversion of waste (solid, liquid, gas) to biogas/energy/electricity/valuables. The implementation of these technologies is to be done in association with Municipal Corporations/ULBs identified by the applicant. it is desirable that the technology may be absorbed by the respective municipality.

i) Projects for which early stage validation has been completed and are ready for scale-
ii) The project should have achieved TRL 5- 6 and should aim to achieve TRL 7 8 by the end of the project.
iii) The participation of municipality/urban local body is mandatory
iv) Only biological route should be used for treatment of waste.
v) Developing proof of concept/early stage research will not be funded.
vi) It will be the responsibility of the urban local body or municipal corporation to provide the land for setting up the plant and the input waste material. The municipality/applicant will have to ensure the usage of the final products/by products that will be generated as an outcome of the technology.
Administrative: The basic eligibility criteria of BIRAC for company/LLP and academic institute will be followed.
i) Company should be registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013. 51% of the shares of the Company should be held by Indian Citizens holding Indian passport (Indian Citizens do not include Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) holders).
ii) Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. Minimum half of the persons who subscribed their names to the LLP document as its Partners should be Indian citizens.
iii) The Applicant Company/ LLP should:
i. Have adequate in-house facility to address the project implementation


Incubated at any of the recognized Incubation Facility
iv) Academia (Public or Private Research Institute, University) having a well-established support system for research. The institute should have been established in India and have NAAC/ UGC/ AICTE or any equivalent recognition certificate or any other Public/ Government supported organization

View Guidelines

Proposals are required to be submitted online only. For submission of proposals, applicants need to register with BIRAC through “User Registration”. Additional information on user registration and proposal submission are available online at BIRAC website at

No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted online only would be considered.

Last date for Submission of Proposals:    15th December 2022 5:30 p.m.

BIRAC will ensure maintenance of strict confidentiality of the proposals as per DBT norms.


For any queries, please contact:

Dr. Shilpi Gupta, Chief Manager – Technical

Announcement Date: 01-11-2022
Last Submission Date: 15-12-2022 05:30 PM

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