BIRAC-Call For Proposal

Call for Proposal for filling up E-YUVA Fellow & Innovation Fellow vacancies

E-YUVA (Empowering Youth for Undertaking Value Added Innovative Translational Research) scheme aims to promote a culture of applied research and need-oriented (societal or industry) entrepreneurial innovation among young students and researchers.

The scheme provides support for students under following two categories:


  1. BIRAC’s E-Yuva Fellows (for under graduate students)
  2. BIRAC’s Innovation Fellows (for post graduates and PhDs)


Fellows will be selected through National level application and shortlisting process in collaboration with EYCs and EYC knowledge partners

The E-YUVA Scheme aims to provide following support to promote a culture of translational research and need-oriented (societal or industry) entrepreneurial innovation:

  • Fellowship
  • Annual Research grant
  • Pre-incubation in E-YUVA centers (EYC)
  • Mentoring by Bioincubators and E-YUVA centers.

       Vacancies available at E-YUVA Centres under E-YUVA Fellow & Innovation Fellow categories:?

Category: Innovation Fellow

Sr. No

E-YUVA Centre



Anna University



GIET University



Atmiya University



Panjab University



University of Agriculture Science Dharwad



University of Rajasthan



Adamas University




Category: E-YUVA Fellow

Sr. No 

E-YUVA Centre



University of Rajasthan



GIET University



Atmiya University



Panjab University





BIRAC encourages applications from Tier II/III cities for EYCs.

BIRAC’s E-Yuva Fellows shall apply as a team and pursue their research work at their College/University labs and will also be allowed access to facilities at EYC and EYC Knowledge Partners as and when required. It will be mandatory for all the fellows to spend 3-4 weeks at EYC/EYC Knowledge Partner during their fellowship period.

BIRAC’s Innovation fellows shall apply as an individual and are required to work full time at EYC. BIRAC’s Innovation Fellows are expected to initiate biotech start ups. Hence, only proposals with potential to commercialize innovative products and technologies will be considered for support.

  • Proposal category:  It can be submitted in any domain including Healthcare, Lifesciences, Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Drugs, Vaccines, Drug Formulations and delivery systems, Industrial Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Agriculture, Secondary agriculture, Waste Management, Sanitation, Clean Energy and Artificial Intelligence/IoT/ Automation with application in any of these areas.

E-YUVA Centers (EYC):  E-YUVA scheme is implemented through dedicated hubs called E-YuvaCenters (EYCs). Each EYC has a BIRAC supported pre-incubation space which offers infrastructure and equipment for basic research and experimentation by selected students. EYCs act as anchors and extend requisite support and mentoring to students.  BIRAC Currently has 10 E-YUVA Centres

  • Application process:

Applications need to be submitted online by creating a user account.

The scheme provides support for students under following two categories:


  1. BIRAC’s E-YUVA Fellows (for under graduate students)


  • Students who are pursuing under graduation. And should apply as a team.
  • A team should comprise minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 Indian students from Indian Institutes/College pursuing under graduation in any domain. Teams with students from different disciplines are encouraged. One team can have students from same/different college/institute.
  •  The team should be supported by a mentor/guide.


  1. BIRAC’s Innovation Fellows (for post graduates and PhDs)

Eligibility Criteria:

Post-Doctoral Fellow:

  • Applicants who have completed their Ph.D in any field of science
  • The fellow should apply within 2 years of completion of  degree (females are exempted from this condition)


    Post Graduate Fellow:

  • Applicants who have completed their Masters/B.Tech/ B.Pharma/B.E in any field of science.
  • The fellow should apply within 3 years of completion of  degree (females are exempted from this condition)


 • BIRAC’s Innovation fellows are required to work full time at EYC

 • Students pursuing Ph.D cannot be considered for fellowship grant

 • Selected fellows cannot pursue Ph.D. during the fellowship tenure

Online application submission needs to be done through BIRAC website.

Applicants need to create a user account of BIRAC’s website (For E-YUVA fellows, any one team member can create the user account on behalf of the team) followed by filling up of online application form.

For details, Kindly go through the E-YUVA scheme guidelines

Click here for register

Click here for Step by step guide for application

Click here for E-YUVA Centers contact details

Announcement Date: 15-12-2022
Last Submission Date: 10-01-2023 05:00 PM

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