BIRAC-Call For Proposal

BIRAC Announces Call for Proposals in the area of Enabling Indigenous Development of Technologies for Affordable Biomanufacturing, Biotherapeutics and Therapies, 31st Oct, 2019 - 26th Dec, 2019 5 PM

Towards strengthening the emerging biotechnology enterprise in India, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Ministry of Science & Technology has initiated the Mission Program entitled “Industry-Academia Collaborative Mission for Accelerating Discovery Research to Early Development for Biopharmaceuticals - Innovate in India (i3) Empowering biotech entrepreneurs & accelerating inclusive innovation” (“Program”). Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) setup by DBT is the Implementing Agency of i3 Program (Program co-funded by World Bank loan).

The vision of the Program is to enable and nurture an ecosystem for preparing India’s technological and product development capabilities in biopharmaceuticals including vaccines, biologics, medical devices and diagnostics to a level that will be globally competitive over the next decade.


The National Biopharma Mission announces a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for development of indigenous technologies to support affordable biomanufacturing and development of new biotherapeutics and therapies

This call seeks proposals in the following areas with RFPs under each area

-RFP Area: Enabling Indigenous Development of Technologies for Affordable Biomanufacturing


Development of affordable serum-free, chemically defined media (SF-CDM) and feed supplements for biopharmaceuticals


Development of affordable chromatography resin for protein purification


Development of filtration systems, process accessories and/or storage devices for affordable biomanufacturing


Develop IT platforms for quality management system in biopharmaceutical Industry

  • RFP Area: Biotherapeutics and Therapies


Development of Bio-betters and biotherapeutics


Development of Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs)


Development of CAR-T therapies.

The proposals can be submitted:

  • Solely by Indian Company / LLP/ Non-profit organizations/ Society/ Trusts/ Foundation/ Associations/ Government entities/ Institutes/ R&D Organizations/ which is a legal entity OR
  • Jointly by Indian Companies/ Non-profit organizations / LLP/ Society/ Trusts/ Foundation/ Associations/ Government entities/ Institutes/ R&D Organizations/ OR
  • By a consortium of Indian Company/ Non-profit organizations/ LLP/ Society/ Trusts/ Foundation/ Association/ Government entities/ Institutes/ R&D Organizations/
  • Indian Start-up companies in collaboration with Industry/Academia/research institutes/ are specially encouraged to apply.


Criteria Particulars for the Proponent entities

Indian companies

An Indian Company is defined as one which is registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and minimum 51% of the shares of the Company should be held by Indian Citizens holding Indian passport [Indian Citizens do not include Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) holders].

Non-profit organizations/ Government entities/ Institutes/ R&D Organizations

This will include Academic Research Institutes, Universities, Research Foundation, Medical Colleges and Institutes – both public and private who are valid legal entities such as Trust, Society or established under central or state statute.

Limited Liability Partnership:

A limited liability partnership is defined as one which is incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008. Minimum half of the persons who subscribed their names to the LLP document as its Partners should be Indian citizens. [Indian Citizens do not include Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) holders].


Relevant documents for submission in the application:


Applicant being an Indian academic scientist and researcher: -

  1. Copy of passport (from academic scientists & researchers) or self-declaration of 

Citizenship attested by a gazetted officer

  1. Either incubation agreement; or letter of intent in favour of applicant, issued by Incubation centre (which states that the incubation centre is willing to give facilities to applicant for the project applied for)


Companies: -

  1. Incorporation certificate
  2. Latest Share holding pattern as per BIRAC format only (For formats go to and click Formats), certified by external CA and verified from MCA/ ROC records
  3. Details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any, or Incubation agreement
  4. Audited financial details of last three financial years (i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19), if applicable
  5. Copy of passports of the shareholders (in support of 51% eligibility criteria) or self-

declaration of citizenship attested by a gazetted officer


Limited Liability Partnership: -

  1. Incorporation/Registration certificate.
  2. Partnership deed; or list of subscribers which states that minimum half of the partners are Indian citizens.
  3. Copy of passports of Indian partners/subscribers or self-declaration of citizenship attested by a gazetted officer.
  4. Research mandate/ details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any, or Incubation agreement.
  5. Audited financial details of last three financial years (i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18), if applicable.


Indian institution/ universities/ public research organization: -

  1. Affiliation/registration certificate or statute reference for establishment.
  2. Details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any, or Incubation agreement.
  3. If the institution/public research organization are registered under/as Society or Trust, then they have to submit the documents as mentioned in the case of Society/Trust.


Society/ Trust/ NGO/ Foundation/ Association: -


  1. Society registration certificate.
  2. Details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any, or Incubation agreement.
  3. CA certificate (supporting the fact that half of the members of the society are Indian   citizens)



  1. Trust deed.
  2. Details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any / Incubation agreement.
  3. CA certificate (supporting the fact that half of the members of the trustees are Indian citizens)


NGO/ Foundation/ Association

  1. Registration details/ certificate.
  2. Details regarding in-house R&D facility, if any / Incubation agreement.
  3. If the NGO/ Foundation/ Association are registered under/as Society or Trust, then they have to submit the documents as mentioned in the case of Society/ Trust

Proposals to be submitted online only. For proposal submission please log on to For details on Request for Proposal (RFP) and mission document, log on to:

Call Opens: 31st October 2019; Last date of Submission: 26th December 2019 (5:00 PM)


For queries please contact:

Mission Director, PMU-NBM:

Program Manager, NBM:

Announcement Date: 31-10-2019
Last Submission Date: 26-12-2019 05:00 PM

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