Title: Microbial biofilm reactor system for converting dairy waste water into liquid biofertilizer.

Innovator: Shaon Ray Chaudhuri

A bacterial biofilm-based dairy wastewater conversion plant to liquid biofertilizer which needs 90 less energy and 75 less space than conventional ETP. 7.5 times faster than the conventional system with the generation of value-added product that enhances yield of economic crop.

USP: A bacterial biofilm-based dairy wastewater conversion plant to liquid biofertilizer which needs 90 less energy and 75 less space than conventional ETP. 7.5 times faster than the conventional system with the generation of value-added product that enhances yield of economic crop.

  • Innovator's Name
  • Product/Technology Description

Shaon Ray Chaudhuri

The technology with IP protection is available. The group is capable of developing customized biotreatment plants based on customer requirements and effluent nature.

  • Product Name: GroBIG
  • Product Title: Microbial biofilm reactor system for converting dairy waste water into liquid biofertilizer.
  • Description: A bacterial biofilm-based dairy wastewater conversion plant to liquid biofertilizer which needs 90 less energy and 75 less space than conventional ETP. 7.5 times faster than the conventional system with the generation of value-added product that enhances yield of economic crop.
  • Unique Selling Point: A bacterial biofilm-based dairy wastewater conversion plant to liquid biofertilizer which needs 90 less energy and 75 less space than conventional ETP. 7.5 times faster than the conventional system with the generation of value-added product that enhances yield of economic crop.