
Title: Autologous Adult Live Cultured Buccal Epithelial Cells

Innovator: Regrow Biosciences Private Limited

We are taking biopsy from inner cheek of mouth under local anesthesia. the biopy is then cultured for 2-3 weeks in GMP certified lab. then the cells are implanted cystoscopically at the stricture site.

USP: As the procedure of implantation is minimal invasive compared to present procedures. here we are doing implantation cystoscopically than open procedure.

  • Innovator's Name
  • Product/Technology Description

Regrow Biosciences Private Limited

the company has well trained staff who are involved in manufacturing. the staffs are ready to face any type of situation for the product technology.

  • Product Name: Uregrow
  • Product Title: Autologous Adult Live Cultured Buccal Epithelial Cells
  • Description: We are taking biopsy from inner cheek of mouth under local anesthesia. the biopy is then cultured for 2-3 weeks in GMP certified lab. then the cells are implanted cystoscopically at the stricture site.
  • Unique Selling Point: As the procedure of implantation is minimal invasive compared to present procedures. here we are doing implantation cystoscopically than open procedure.